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Planting Rate: ¼ to ½ pound PLS
Latin Name: Chlorix x subdolichostachya Muell. (pro sp.) [cucullata x verticillata]
Longevity: Perennial
Season: Warm
Origin: Native
- Shortspike windmillgrass is a naturally occurring hybrid between the native grasses Chloris cucullata and Chloris verticillata.
- Perennial grass that produces seed and also spreads vegetatively by stolons.
- Mature foliage height ranges from 1-3 feet tall.
- May produce seed heads from May to October, but most of the seed is produced in September and October.
- Recommended for use in roadside plantings, critical site revegetation, and rangeland seed mixes.
- Can be used in many types of conservation plantings, such as grassed waterways, riparian buffers, filter strips, and pond embankments
Quality Traits