Sideoats Grama 12.1%
Texas Bluebonnet 10.18%
Little Bluestem 9.94%
Purple Coneflower 7.72%
Yellow Indiangrass 7.06%
Lance Leaved Coreopsis 5.23%
Crown Tickseed 5.23%
Annual Red Phlox 5.23%
Switchgrass 5.00%
Greenthread 4.95%
Green Sprangletop 4.66%
Sand Lovegrass 3.74%
American Basketflower 2.47%
Purple Prairie Clover 2.44%
Big Bluestem 2.21%
Golden Wave Tickseed 1.65%
Engelmann Daisy 1.24%
Clasping Coneflower 1.24%
Prairie Coneflower 1.24%
Dwarf Helenium 0.62%
Dahlberg Daisy 0.31%
Showy Evening Primrose 0.25%
Blend composition subject to change based on availability
25″ to 45″
10 lbs. per acre
This is a blend of native warm-season grasses and wildflowers that captures the beauty of scenes commonly found across the state of Texas. This blend is presented in partnership with Texas Agriculture Land Trust and represents the efforts of both Bamert Seed and TALT in conserving the Texas Heritage of ag land, wildlife habitat and natural resources.