Call For Pricing
Planting Rate: 1-2 pounds PLS per acre
Latin Name: Bothriochloa laguroides (DC) Hert ssp. Torreyana (Steud.) Allred and Gould
Longevity: Perennial
Season: Warm
Origin: native
- Santiago Germplasm silver bluestem is a warm season, clumping perennial.
- Foliage is 12 to 18 inches and can be green to blue-green in color. Inflorescence is silvery-white.
- Includes three distinct populations of silver bluestem, each increased in isolation to maintain genetic diversity of the wild populations.
- Recommended for revegetation, roadside plantings, erosion control, and for rangeland seeding mixes.
- Easily reestablished after drought, overgrazing, or surface disturbance.
- Performs well in well-drained soils across a wide variety of soil textures. Not suited for planting in moist sites.
- Areas planted to Santiago Germplasm should be deferred from grazing until plants are well established.
- No severe insect or disease problems have been observed in silver bluestem once established.
Quality Traits: