Call For Pricing.
Planting Rate: 2-3 pounds PLS per acre
Latin Name: Pappophorum vaginatum (Buckley)
Longevity: Perennial
Season: Warm
Origin: Native
- Includes four distinct populations of whiplash pappusgrass, each increased in isolation to maintain genetic diversity of the wild populations.
- Features green foliage with a white-colored spikelet.
- In West Texas, it will grow 3-5 feet tall and will produce seed continuously from May to first frost.
- Recommended for critical site revegetation, roadside plantings, erosion control, and for inclusion in range seeding mixes.
- Provides quick cover in loam and clay loam soils.
- Areas planted to Permian Germplasm should be deferred from grazing until plants are well established.
- No severe insect or disease problems have been observed in whiplash pappusgrass once established.
Quality Traits