Bamert Seed's Native Turf Blend will bring the shortgrass prairies of the Great Plains to areas where little maintenance is desired. This blend of Blue Grama and Buffalograss offers a lush, green, beautiful appearance with the drought-tolerance and low maintenance of native Texas grasses. Native Turf Blend requires less water, fertilizer and mowing than other grasses.
Native Turf Blend does best when planted in the spring or early summer. If planting in the spring, plant after the last frost. With irrigation, the planting window could be stretched out through July. Optimum planting dates vary throughout the country, so call to discuss if you're wanting to plant outside of the Great Plains. The planting rate for Native Turf is 2-4 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. or 30-40 lbs. per acre.
Blend composition subject to change based on availability